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Why Consumers Prefer Messaging

Jan 14, 2020

60% of consumers say that their go-to channel for simple customer support inquiries is a digital self-service tool, and not all self-service channels are created equal. Interactive voice response (IVR) is the automated voice you hear when calling a contact center. Only 3% of customers actually like using IVRs! This and other poor choices of customer service platforms are costing businesses.

Did you know that a customer is 4 times more likely to switch to a competitor if their problem is service-based?

Enter messaging: the mode of communication preferred by everyone, young and old. In fact, 97% of smartphone owners send messages regularly and texting is the most frequently used form of communication among people under 50.

Messaging with consumers can yield, on average, a 98% open rate and a 45% response rate, in contrast to the 20% open rate and 6% response rate for traditional email.

So how do consumers want to use messaging? Managing appointments; getting a flight’s status, making hotel reservations and other travel plans; tracking packages from the moment they leave the warehouse to the moment they arrive on the front steps.

Adding messaging into your business plan will help you serve on-the-move customers who expect seamless communication at every point of their journey.

How is your company using messaging to increase customer satisfaction?


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