Insurance Assistant powered by Pypestream

Data Collection & Privacy StatementInsurance Assistant is a third party application hosted externally.

Pypestream may also collect information about the device you're using Pypestream on, including what type of device it is, what operating system you're using, and device settings. When you use Pypestream, our servers automatically record information, including information that your browser sends whenever you visit a website or your mobile app sends when you're using it. This log data may include your provided email address, operating system, browser language, referring site, last viewed URL, browser, screen resolution, and country code.

The data are considered confidential Personally Identifiable Information and use is governed by
Pypestream Privacy Policy and Google Employee Privacy Policy.

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Please do not provide social security numbers, birth dates, G+ profile ID or any other personal information that is not relevant to your insurance request in the chatbot.

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